Thursday, August 26, 2010


Making the right decision is really tough , what you really need in your life sometime is hard to tell . For me i been through so many thing to make me feel life really tough for me .But what can i do even with a goal is going to be tough to go for it . It really stop you for doing what you really want , what i want in my life i am sure i want to be success and happy too ? But is it possible for me to go for what i want , i know i am having a good chance to learn but after this what can i really do i really dunno . I am not well educated , i am not as good as people think i am , but i know i try my best to do whatever thing given to me even if is the first time doing i give in all my heart . Maybe i might not look serious but i know i have given everything i could in me , is not easy for me to do office work cause i am lack of a lot of experience i am trying my best ! But it seem to be hard for me i really dunno what i want i am just too tired to think so much i will work as hard as i could but does it matter . I am not good in making decision i change my mind easily because of small thing but this is not what i want . To be frank i will work and gain more experience at the same time but i know is not going to be easy .

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All about love

What does love mean , for me love mean giving everything to the person you love even without getting anything back . A lot of girl get cheated by sweet talk of some guy , some guy might not speak out their mind but that doesn't mean he dun love you some guy use mouth to speak but some use action . But most of the girl always fall for the sweet talk of some guy ? I really cannot understand sometime, do you really have to said i love you to the girl every time why some girl just get angry if you dun speak the 3 word i love you ? Does it really matter a lot maybe it do to some girl but a true understanding girlfriend will understand their boyfriend instead. I dun like to sweet talk i use action to proved myself but i dun get anything back in return do i really have to sweet talk to get the girl to love me it not my type i rather choose to give up that to force myself to sweet talk a lot hais ? Super confuse at the moment ha ha

Never said die

Sometime human emotion is hard to control , is easy to ask other to relax and chill and stop thinking so much . But what if  yourself will it be easy , i will always ask other not to be sad try not to think so much, but when it come to myself i will never be able to chill and relax . It will take some time to stop thinking but it is for sure not so easy, sometime your mind just keep thinking about the person you love . It will bother you a lot what is that person doing now did that person miss you or so , but thinking so much will only make you suffer sometime you will not get what you want . The only thing is stop thinking and move on give up doesn't mean you are weak it mean you are strong enough to let go and carry on your new life. So what if that person dun like you or love you , you can do nothing about it just look forward , even if you give up never said die and you will sure bounce back and be more strong to handle more tough thing in the future . Failure is just a normal thing in human life if you never taste failure you will not know the pain , you might be very successful all the way but suddenly you fail you will confirm be lost , cause you have never taste failure it will be hard to accept , but for some people failure to them make them grow even stronger just go for what you want even if you failed you will have no regret about it good luck to everyone .

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A success story lay a painful experience

 Behind every successful person lays a painful story. And every painful story has a successful ending. Face reality that this is how life goes, deal with the pain and get ready to meet with success after hardship. When life just dun go your way dun give up , it is just a small test god has for you . Be strong and you will success eventually .

Friday, August 20, 2010

weather in singapore

Singapore weather is getting more and more cooling , this is so strange when it is supposed to be hot ha ha . It supposed to be a good thing but why i feel so cold even in the afternoon . Cold weather is the best to sleep ha ha it make someone feel so relax . Let hope the weather can remain like this but stop raining it so irritating in the morning when you are going for work .

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It All About Timing

Timing is very important stuff in our life , time is money so to have a well schedule you need plan with a timetable. We only have 24 hour each day , it not like we have 100 hour each day so 24 hour might seem long to many of you but ask yourself what you do in your 24 hour a day, probably spend 8 hour of time sleeping and spend 8 hour to 9 hour working , what left is your free time how you going to make good use with your free time .If you have planned you will know what you want to do , some people might use the free time to play game or watch television and some might even take up some night study , it all depending on yourself what you really plan for . And dota also need timing , and it all about planning it is so important , once you make a mistake it going to be tough to win. A lot of detail you need to look out for , so planned your time well everything will go smoothly for you .

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Learning New stuff

No one is perfect in this world , come to think about it everyone have it weak point . I realize about something too ha ha , if a person have no heart to learn it is pointless even if you give the person a chance . But that person with heart to learn he/she will give their best to learn everything they could , i wonder sometime what the purpose of human in this world ? For me i almost give up a good chance because of stress, but i know i have the heart to learn new thing and improved myself even further then i expected . Good opportunity will not always come to you , is yourself who is going to fight for it , if you are lucky you will get a good opportunity but will you always be so lucky . I am lucky to get a good opportunity which i nearly give up , but i hang on to it i know i have to be strong and overcome many obstacle coming to my way is not going to be so easy but i know i can do it , with a heart of success nothing is impossible , it just whether you want to give it a try success not just come from big talk but how you work on it . If you never give it a try you will never know so dun give up so easily hang on you will sure smell success coming to you in the future =)