Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All about love

What does love mean , for me love mean giving everything to the person you love even without getting anything back . A lot of girl get cheated by sweet talk of some guy , some guy might not speak out their mind but that doesn't mean he dun love you some guy use mouth to speak but some use action . But most of the girl always fall for the sweet talk of some guy ? I really cannot understand sometime, do you really have to said i love you to the girl every time why some girl just get angry if you dun speak the 3 word i love you ? Does it really matter a lot maybe it do to some girl but a true understanding girlfriend will understand their boyfriend instead. I dun like to sweet talk i use action to proved myself but i dun get anything back in return do i really have to sweet talk to get the girl to love me it not my type i rather choose to give up that to force myself to sweet talk a lot hais ? Super confuse at the moment ha ha

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