Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Begin

It been nearly 1 month since i quit my previous job , i was trying to adapt to my new job , maybe is because i use to arcade life . But now i know i have to change i have to fight for my future , i was stress with my new job at the start and almost give up . Luckily i did not give up thanks to many who encourage me and of course my best friend yi yong who talk me out of stress . Giving up mean you are weak and not ready for mental stress and a lot more , giving excuse is not a way to . I realized i was weak just a small problem and i said i want to give up and keep giving excuse . But i finally come to my senses i work hard for myself and i am the one who can create my future if i give up myself who is going to save me no one else but only me . Guess for now i have to focus and learn new thing i know i can do it i won't be beaten so easily i will fight hard to show people who looked down on me .

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